Book: The Games we played.

“Hop-scotch, Skipping, Jacks, Marbles, Ring-a-Roses, Hide and Seek, Struck and Freeze, Box Truck, One-two-three red light.”

  1. Tell us about your book and when it was published? The Games We Played, written in English, belongs to the family and relationship genre. Using both text and illustrations, the book describes some of the games we played as children growing up in the Caribbean. It was self-published and published on January 11, 2024.
  2. Is this your first book? Is it a part of a series or a standalone publication? – The book is the first part of a series.
  3. If you’re planning a sequel, can you share a tiny bit about your plans for it? Book 2 will capture games played in the other Caribbean Islands and Book 3 will be in animation format.
  4. How long did it take you to write this book? This book took four years to write and complete.
  5. How did you come up with the title for your book? The name was easy because it is the games we played as children in Trinidad and Tobago.
  6. What reader audience does this book target? This book targets young parents, grandparents, godparents, aunties, and uncles who will feel the nostalgia and children ages 5-12 who will play the games.
  7. What perspectives or beliefs have you challenged with this work? I considered and challenged the following perspectives and beliefs:- 
  •  Camaraderie and harmony among children
  • Nostalgia among the grownups
  • Imagination and Reality for the children
  • Self Esteem that includes inclusivity and empathy for everyone.

      8.  Where can your book be purchased? The Games We Played is being sold on Amazon in the USA and Paper Based in Trinidad.  I am presently negotiating for them to be sold at R.I.K Services.

9. How did you celebrate finishing your book? I journeyed to Trinidad and launched my book at the Nelson Mandela Park; the same Park I took my grandchildren to play on their visits to T&T. At the book launch I used adults and children to play some of the games in the book.

Carol-Ann Crossley is a Trinidad & Tobago citizen living in the USA.  She is a retired Administrative Professional who worked at the largest Financial Institution in Trinidad and Tobago. I am a mother of two children and grandmother to two grandchildren.

My book was inspired by my grandchildren, Caylee and Cayden who were born in the USA and live there permanently.  Every two years, they spend the month of July in Trinidad and Tobago, as their parents wish for them to maintain a close connection with their Trini family and their heritage.  As a grandmother, I thought that instead of spending so much time on their devices, they should add some outdoor activities to these indoor pursuits.

The Games We Played, written in English, belongs to the family and relationship genre and is targeted at children aged 5-12 years.  Using both text and illustrations, the book describes some of the games we played as children growing up in the Caribbean.  I believe that my book can cultivate camaraderie among family and friends and teach valuable skills such as leadership, communication and creativity.

if you are interested in purchasing the book or interviewing Carol you can get her at





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